“The most amazing things in the world are just starting to happen in my family, thanks to P.E.T.
My 4 year old, without asking gets up from the breakfast table, washes his hands, gets dressed, cleans his room ! Seeing the change in him and how active listening alone, has helped my communication with my nearly 3 year old twins. This makes me feel so proud of them and gives me belief, that my dream of having a close, loving connected family can be a reality.
I know now, I will never go back to the only discipline I knew. No more screaming, no more time outs. The shame I felt, when I smacked one of my kids; I know this was wrong, and this was making me feel sad and more anxious every day. I knew I had to change.
Parent Effectiveness Training came my way, and as soon as I read the word , “active listening,” I was in ! This was the best investment, worthy of my time.
I can spend $$$ on making the cosmetic appearance of my home appealing, but to pay under $500 on something that hits the heart of our home is the best feeling.
Thank you Kathryn, for giving all your professional knowledge. The way that you taught Parent Effectiveness Training, was inspiring. You helped me believe that I can change into the parent and person, that I am now proud to be.” Michelle Williams – MXM Couture
Be Your Best Testimonial (March 2022)
“Kathryn, thank you for teaching me Be Your Best!
I found just like doing P.E.T on zoom, it was so convenient for me to do the course this way also.
I went into this course thinking this should be easy, I am living my best life !!!!! I realised soon enough however, I was saying yes to people when I wanted to say no, and also how much fear and guilt was in my life.
I began getting very excited after Kathryn shared a visual technique, we closed our eyes and she helped guide us to see our own personal paths, who we see in it, and all our personal hopes and dreams.
After this I understood that if I was steering my own ship I really wanted to learn how to steer it in calmer waters, and be more confident.
So, working with the behaviour window I can now recognise who owns the problem. I feel confident in setting boundaries, and know I can walk away from toxic situations that conflict with my set of values.
I really want to keep living my honest life. I have the book and notes to refresh my mind when I feel my direction is going a bit crazy!
Thank you Linda Adams for developing this course.
An extra bonus in completing Be Your Best was how good it was to be open-hearted and vulnerable with the others in our course. I felt such a deep connection and warmth with them.
Lots of love Michelle.”