You have had enough. The repetitive whinging, whining or wailing accompanied by sounds of grumbling, griping or groaning have tipped your tipping point far too many times. You have implored, beseeched, exploded, threatened and bribed and yet your child’s pattern of communication resurfaces again and … [Read more...]
Morning Rush Hour: a true story of a mother choosing to listen and the amazing outcome.
The following heart warming story was written by Cindy, a mother who was attending a Parent Effectiveness Training course that I was conducting. She had just been learning about the importance of actively listening to children when they have a problem to assist them identifying their need. She was … [Read more...]
Webinar hosted by Australian Teacher Aide & presented by The Parent Within: ‘Make Every Day a Good Day: Learn how to help children solve their own problems. My first webinar! Children can easily get frustrated when they have problems. Learn skills to to help de-escalate emotions and move children from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. … [Read more...]
Nurturing & Deepening Your Relationship When You Are A New (or old) Parent
Nurturing your baby is all encompassing. So you may be wondering: how can it be possible to nurture your relationship with your partner let alone deepen it? We are each behaving to get our needs met and your baby is very needy – dependent in fact. You would be excused therefore for overlooking … [Read more...]
5 Steps to Family Peace-Building this Festive Season
Is it possible for a family to have no conflict, disagreements, fights, or squabbles during the festive season? I hate to disappoint, but given different emotional states, personalities, ages, values and expectations, conflict is inevitable. 5 steps to Family Peace-Building this Festive Season … [Read more...]